Articles by


Sunstones along the Road to Zion: Mary Farrell Bednarowski and Women’s Religious Experience

By August 11, 2009

After salivating over Mystic Pizza and briefly, very briefly, missing Connecticut, I flipped to KBYU for a little late-night telethon watching. I was pleased to have my appetite whetted again. The fare was a documentary miniseries called Road to Zion: Travels in Church History, France.

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Email to a spiritual seeker

By July 30, 2009

I post this because it may be of some value to someone. I strongly believe in sharing faith journeys. Listening forces us to confront the prismatic nature of another person’s spiritual experience and accept that perhaps a multiplicity of paths lead to the same truth or to a different truth entirely. We become less judgemental of others as we learn the ways in which God has worked in their lives, sometimes inexplicably, but usually in ways that are similar to our own.

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For the Love of Blogs

By July 6, 2009

In the hallowed and oft-visited bloggernacle, not all blogs are equal, or so Mormon Matters’ Niblet Nominations 2008 tell us. Juvenile Instructor (collective) and some individual Juvenile Instructors have found favor among the many remarkable blogs and bloggers out there and have been nominated for a few awards. So, please, make your adoration for JI known to the world and more importantly to the one true Blogmaster. No pressure. Just vote!

Here are the nominations (drumroll):

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On Doubt

By July 1, 2009

For those embroiled by the academic search for truth?who have suspended belief or lost faith or sought a new faith?the word is not doubt but hope, fierce and brave and full of anxious questions. A few poems today from beloved poetess Emma Lou Thayne.

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So much depends/ upon/ the prayer of/ a young/ farm boy/ alone/ in a grove/ of trees.

By April 12, 2009

?That idea has not yet been resolved within your heart and is tormenting it.? [1]

One of my inaugural posts for JI was a spiritual autobiographical account of entering the world of the academic study of religion. And I feel as though a continuation of that autobiography is important and necessary, if only for my own sake.

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History made and in the making: How do we understand Zion in this “new” America?

By January 21, 2009

First of all, I would like to thank the wonderful bloggers at JI for their recent flood of attention to female subjects of history, particularly sister missionaries. I hope to contribute to the discussion of gender soon.

And second, and more important, is the day at hand, the day that comes once every four years, the day of inauguration.

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Textual Iconoclasm? Part 1

By November 11, 2008

Mormonism has a rich textual culture. Our meetings and teaching and studying are filled with encounters with the written word, and especially the holy word contained in scripture. In addition, many Mormons are prodigious readers and seekers of wisdom out of the best books that Mormonism and the world have to offer (perfectly illustrated by Dave?s Getting Hooked post and the accompanying responses).

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Defining a modern ecumenical prophetic voice

By October 8, 2008

Yesterday was an exciting one for me. As part of my campus job writing what amounts to AP copy, I got to interview Reverend John Thomas, general minister of the United Church of Christ, before he spoke to the Yale community. He titled his speech “The Future of the Prophetic Voice in the Ecumenical Church.” Rev. Thomas amended this title to read “After Seven Years,” based on a letter Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote entitled “After Ten Years.”

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Everything I need to know I’m learning in Divinity School

By September 9, 2008

So I decided to save my textual analysis of The Backslider for next time and write about my current experience instead.

As I said in my bio, I’m a first-year student at Yale Divinity School. And this life-move came as much of a surprise to me. I never planned to go to divinity school and even now it seems extraordinary that I am here, where Jonathan Edwards was the “Dean of Discipline” in his day and counseled against “unseasonable and evil night walkings” (what?); where there is a room in the Sterling Divinity Quadrangle called the Revised Standard Version room, not as a polite homage but as a dedication to the work that actually took place there; where chapel is not a sedate occasion but a wonderfully planned liturgical event, combining hymn traditions from around the world with group prayers and divine scripture readings and sermons.

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the dangers of art and a Christian hermeneutic

By September 6, 2008

Thank you for your kind intro, Chris. What follows is a general response, or superstructure, to eight points Matt B. wrote for his discussion group, which he will be posting soon:

Art is dangerous. The person who fully engages with any piece of art runs the risk of being changed/transformed in fundamental ways. And many times we don?t control the ways in which we are transformed (both good and bad). I am a passionate proponent of art, not opponent as these statements might make me sound. We should be wary of those who uncritically guard against such transformation through blind prohibition of certain kinds of art. Such prohibitions can arise out of fear. But we should also be wary of artworks that offer transformation carte

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